The Korean company has added A-series flagship device. Smart phone Galaxy A7 is equipped with 5.5-inch screen Super AMOLED with HD-resolution, eight-processor with Processor 1200 MHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 Platform, 13-mega pixel main camera, 5-mega pixel front module, 2 GB of RAM and OS Android 4.4 kitkat out of the box.
The model has two advantages over competitors. 1st - metal housing quite rare for Samsungwith a thickness of 6.3 millimeters. 2nd - some exclusive modes. For example, the voice prompts will help to make self rear camera and thanks to the regime gadget will live up to 4 days without being connected to a power outlet. Internal memory 16 GB maximum supported memory card 64GB Memory microSD, Battery: 2500 mAh.