Asian vendor finally presented new smart phone OS. In the coming months, the device will be released in Russia. Samsung Z is equipped with 4.8-inch Super AMOLED screen with 1280x720 pixels, quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800 with a frequency of 2.3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, 8 mega pixels and 2.1 mega pixels, an
infrared port, fingerprint scanner and sensor which is able to calculate the heart rate. In addition, the machine boasts a battery 2600 mAh - with HD-resolution screen this parameter is sufficient. It remains to add that Samsung is positioning its new product as a smart phone with extensive customization, fast loading and improved power consumption. Price of the device has not yet been announced, but it is unlikely that the smart phone will be too expensive - applications for OS Tizen are still too little. Internal memory 16 GB maximum supported memory card 64GB Memory: micro SD.